
Garden City Recreation Department News

Peewee Sports Sampler – Spring Registration Begins

The Recreation Department is running a second session of their very popular PeeWee Sports Sampler for 4- and 5-year-olds. This session will begin the week of April 5. Each week your child will be given an introduction to a different sport, using equipment geared to his/her age level in a non-competitive atmosphere.

The 55-minute classes will be held in St. Paul’s Field House according to the following schedule: Thursdays at 1:45 p.m., beginning April 8.

Classes will run for six weeks at a cost of $48. Please note that your child must be 4 years old by the start of the session in order to attend. To register, visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave. 

Registration for Roller Hockey Begins

There are still limited openings available in the Spring Roller Hockey Program. Visit the office at 108 Rockaway Ave., for further information or to register.