
Letter: We Need New Traffic Safety Laws

“We Need to Take Driving Seriously” was a seriously good editorial, even though I assume the reference to “legitimate reasons for driving less carefully…” (such as so as not to be late for a doctor’s appointment—-Since when did doctors start seeing patients at their scheduled appointment times?) was less than serious.

Your “We” is directed at drivers, but since so many of them are virtually incorrigible (otherwise we wouldn’t be reading about drunk drivers almost every day), you should also write about the people who make and enforce (or don’t) our inadequate traffic safety laws.

Most auto “accidents” don’t just happen, they are caused by people who choose to make irresponsible and irrevocable driving decisions. Too often I read that “no charges were filed”— even when at least one of the involved drivers clearly disobeyed a stop sign or broke some other traffic safety law.

I say we need to take driving so seriously that we pass and enforce laws with punishments draconian enough that they will deter some of the reckless driving habits that keep killing our kids (and others).

Richard Siegelman