
The Mayor’s Corner: September 24, 2010

On Saturday, Sept. 11, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend two local 9/11 Memorial Services.

The first took place at Kelleher Field and was hosted by the Williston Park Little League. It was an honor for me to represent the village of Williston Park at this meaningful ceremony. This event began three years ago under the leadership of Williston Park Village Trustee Bill Darmstadt. A number of local elected officials, along with Deputy Mayor Terry Thomann, Trustees Barbara Alanga, Kevin Rynne, and Bill Darmstadt were there.

The speakers offered their thoughts regarding the history and events of September 11, 2001. It was a touching ceremony as the names of local families that suffered a loss were read aloud. As this happened, there was a respectful silence on the part of the attending crowd. This location, as noted by a few of the speakers, was appropriate as it was indicative of the American way of life. It was held at a baseball field with American Legion Members, Boy Scouts and Little League players as participants in the ceremony. These groups are to be thanked for helping to make this ceremony special. Thanks also to the Williston Park Public Works staff for setting up and ensuring that the facility was in excellent shape.

The second memorial service I attended was sponsored by the Town of North Hempstead, and held at Clark Gardens. A good crowd along with a large contingent of local elected officials attended this service. Names of those families living in the Town of North Hempstead who suffered a loss were read aloud.

Both services were quite moving as speaker after speaker, regardless of party affiliation, spoke of September 11th as a historic tragedy for the US. All had a common theme that this event and the families impacted should never be forgotten.

Two weeks earlier, I attended Assemblyman Tom Mc Kevitt’s “Women of Distinction” event as our own Margaret ( Peggy ) Joyce was a recipient of this honor. It was especially nice for me as I have personally known the Joyce family since the late ‘70s, as her sons delivered my paper. On behalf of the village “Congratulations Peggy!”

This upcoming Sunday the Annual Williston Day, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce ,will be held on Hillside Ave. Traditionally the weather has been as spectacular as the event and it is expected to be so again this year. There will be a number of village groups setting up displays at the affair. Stop by these tables to learn more about what is going on in this great village of ours.

County Clerk Maureen O’Connell will be holding her annual flu shot program at the American Legion on October 7, from 9 a.m. until 1p.m. An appointment is necessary, so please contact her office at 516-571-6377. Our senior group has volunteered, as they have in the past, to assist with this program.

The Recreation Committee has been resurrected and the group is setting up various events for the youth of the village. Their first event is scheduled for October 12 at Kelleher field. They have plans to hold an old-fashioned family fun day with games for all. Full details will be announced in the near future.

Our first road work project, has for the most part, been completed. While cleanup and small follow-up jobs remain, the streets that were paved look great. I’m extremely optimistic that the second project ( Ackerman Grant) will be able to be awarded and started soon.

Once again, I ask all drivers to obey all traffic devices and respect our speed limits. The children of this village must be a concern for all while driving through our streets. I’ve made this plea often and will continue to do so. I’ve asked for more enforcement, but realize the police patrols can’t be everywhere due to the extensive area they patrol. But please, don’t complain if a ticket is issued for a traffic offense to you or a family member.

Fall is upon us and historically the weather this time of year can be fantastic. Cool, bright sunny days are not uncommon . Take time to enjoy and take advantage of the weather with family and friends. Walk around and talk with neighbors as you go. We are a small village and neighbor to neighbor friendships are part of what makes this village “ a great place to visit but a better place to live”.