
Montesano to Host Anti-Drug Forum April 14

Assemblyman Michael A. Montesano (R,I,C-Glen Head) is pleased to be hosting the Safe Kids-Safe Streets Anti-Drug Forum. Montesano, a former police officer and detective, is all too familiar with the destructive power drugs can have on individuals and communities. The event is being held on Thursday, April 14 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, 28 West Carl Street, Hicksville.

“I am looking forward to speaking about the personal and societal dangers caused by drugs and drug use,” said Montesano. “The more information that the community has, the better they will be equipped in fighting the drug battle and addressing personal struggles with addiction.”

The forum will host a panel of experts, including:

Detective Lieutenant Andrew Fal, commanding officer of the Nassau County Police Department (narcotics/vice squad); Dr. James Dolan, Jr., director of Nassau County Department of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency and Developmental Disabilities; Teri Corrigan, Esq., chief of the Street Narcotic Gang Bureau and a member of the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office; and The Honorable Anna Anzalone, drug treatment court judge.

The Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, as well Central Nassau Guidance, also will be there to provide information on treatment programs.

“Please take the time to join us for the Safe Kids-Safe Streets Anti-Drug Forum,” said Montesano. “This is an important event as I truly believe that solving the problem begins by talking about the problem.”

For any questions regarding the event, please contact Meredith Dulberg by phone at 316-0775 or by email at mdulberg@hotmail.com.