
Mystery Picture: April 15, 2011

Dan Merritt was the first caller to identify the mystery picture in the April 7 issue of the Enterprise Pilot. “It was taken by Eckerd’s, up by Mario’s.” Mr. Merritt said, “I used to go to Sagamore Pharmacy and now I go to CVS. I’m new in town. I’ve only been here 15 years,” he said. You have to be from Oyster Bay to understand the joke. (People live all their lives in Oyster Bay but can still be “new” if their parents and grandparents aren’t from Oyster Bay.)

Next a cheery voice said, “This is your phone friend Marg Buffa here in Bayville I’m calling about the mystery picture. It’s the entrance to Rite-Aid, right before that huge mound of snow. On the other side of the snow bank was the roller rink when I was growing up.

“Plans are going ahead full steam for the wedding of my navy son Travis for the summer, we’ll keep you posted, and my youngest daughter is graduating from Locust Valley so I won’t have anyone in the school soon,” said Ms. Buffa.

Anita Zarbis recognized the picture was taken at Rite-Aid in Pine Hollow.

Bill Capobianco of Glen Floors, recognized the photo as being taken “in front of Rite-Aid in Pine Hollow, just before you get to Stop & Shop. I’d know that snow anywhere,” showing his expertise of the area.

Ginny Seringer said, “The picture is taken in front of the Rite-Aid shopping center. I know that area well. It was when we had a lot of snow.” Bayville Mayor Doug Watson called to guess the location and said, “It’s Pine Hollow in front of Rite-Aid, and actually if you look closely you can see the sign that says Rite-Aid. You guys might have to make it a little trickier.”

Ryan Jarvis, calling from East Norwich said, “The picture is taken in front of Rite-Aid in Pine Hollow.” His dad is Jake Jarvis.

Jenny Townsend said, “The picture is in front of Rite-Aide and looking at the Stop & Shop center.”

Fran Abbate guessed the picture of the week was “In the Stop & Shop parking lot – snowbound.”

Marie Nigro too, recognized Rite-Aid in Pine Hollow.

Nancy Hussey said, “The picture is outside the Rite Aid store right at the front door, right after the snow, in East Norwich.”

Elizabeth Clark called and said, “The picture is very familiar to me. It is outside of the Rite-Aid Drug Store. I could tell because of the children on top of the snow pile.”

Billy Minicozzi knew the mystery picture was at the Rite Aid store in Pine Hollow. His sports message was: “I hope the Mets are in first place by August.”

Belle Santora said, the picture is “absolutely the entance to the Rite-Aid store.”

Pat Devlin called to identify the mystery picture:” It’s a huge pile of snow at the end of the Rite Aid pharmacy store.” We chatted and she remembered seeing houses in East Norwich Greens advertised after Easter 1952, shortly after she was married. She and her husband went to see the model houses along Hawthorne Road, a cape and a ranch. They picked a ranch house and put down $5.

When they moved in to the house, there was a horse farm next door. “I had to tell the children not to go up and pet them, saying ‘They have feet with iron shoes.’ There was a fence between my driveway and the horses, – they would lean on it and it finally fell down.

 “Suddenly I looked out and saw a horse standing by my back door. I would lead it back to Johnny. He finally sold the farm because all the trails were being taken up by houses. There were originally farms all over, and then the houses came in and the trails were gone,” she said.

“It was a lot different then. The road was all dirt. When we first looked at elevations of the property, I grew up on a hill and I wanted that again. We used to go sleighing down the hill, that was before they put the curbs and road in. I had seven kids – they are all over the country now.”

Ms. Devlin was a force in East Norwich. She served during the elections; was with the scouts – just really well known and loved in the community.

 Last week, John Minicozzi too called to identify the March 24/25 mystery picture. He said, “It’s the beautiful Italian-American Citizens Club of Oyster Bay. It is the ‘newly renovated meeting hall. I’m not quite sure whose meeing it is. We have various organizations that use our meeting hall.”

He is certainly right – it is the newly renovated Italian-American Citizen’s Club and it is just lovely.

You may have missed seeing Tony Pilla answering the mystery picture but he tells me they didn’t get onto the Internet. “Heads will roll.” Let us know if you missed them and we will email the missing pictures to you from D.Karppi@antonnews.com

In spite of that Tony said, “I sure miss not being able to guess where the picture was taken.” But he added, “I see Reggie Butt knew where the picture was taken. And, I would like to say hello to Reggie since he is an old friend from way back!”

Another caller remained a mystery since he forgot to add his name to the call, but got it right.

The next was, “I am calling about the mystery picture posted in April 7, issue. It’s the entrance to the Rite-Aid Pharmacy in the Pine Hollow,” said Kate Naughton of Bayville.

Rocco Manganiello added, “The picture is the entrance in Pine Hollow to the right side.” It was yet another correct answer for our wonderful readers. Thank you all for taking the time to share your answers. It’s great to hear from all of you!