
Editorial: Dads, Take Your Child To Work Day September 20

On Thursday, Sept. 20 schools across New York will sponsor the sixth annual “Dads, Take Your Child to School Day.” This is an exciting opportunity for many fathers who are employed by the school districts to be able to demonstrate their occupations to their children, allowing for extra hours of quality time spent with their children during what would normally be a workday away from their families.

Fathers, grandfathers, and significant male caregivers are encouraged to bring their children to their workplaces at the school on that day. Many schools have activities being planned, to encourage interaction, making it more than just a workstudy day.

Research proves that children have better outcomes with academics, behavior, and social skills when fathers take an active role. The event inspires a generation of children by helping bring them into the workplace to explore the many career choices.

This is such an inspiring bonding opportunity, and not that bad of an idea to be applied across any workplace offering the same experience, especially with such a disconnect in many families when a parent, or both, spend the majority of their day away from the home. Allowing our children to see where we work and experience what we do while we are away from them all day lends to a greater appreciation for the time spent apart.

— CH