
Editorial: Giving Thanks

With Hurricane Sandy recovery slated to take years, it’s hard to find much to be thankful for, especially if you were unfortunate enough to lose your home, or more tragically, a loved one. That said, there are a number of things to be thankful for. Aside from LIPA’s glaring ineptitude, we should be thankful that there was enough early warning from various weather outlets that the loss of life wasn’t far greater given the population density of the tri-state area. We should be thankful that the FEMA of Hurricane Katrina isn’t the same agency that’s currently trying to help citizens get through Sandy. We should be thankful that gas shortages and excessive lines are becoming less common. We should be thankful that not only more people are getting their power back, but that our crack emergency responders, firemen, police and utility workers did such an outstanding job in getting everyone through this devastation. Finally we should be thankful that despite scattered anecdotes of greed and cruelty, munificence and human kindness were more the rule than the exception as everyone tried to get through this natural disaster in one piece. We at Anton Community Newspapers wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.                    

– Dave Gil de Rubio