
Powder Puff Derby

On Friday, April 26, Girl Scout Brownie Troop #3362 hosted the 2nd annual Hicksville Association of Girl Scouts Powder Puff Derby at Woodland School. Over 40 Girl Scouts from Hicksville troops in grades 1-5 participated.

The Powder Puff Derby is modeled after Boy Scouts’ Pinewood Derby. Each girl designed, built, and decorated their own racecars from kits, which consisted of a block of wood and four wheels.

The cars are gravity powered and run down a regulation track.  All the girls who spent countless hours creating their very own wooden cars with their parents were excited to finally race on Friday night.   

There were shouts of excitement and delight from both participants and spectators, as they cheered on their fellow Girl Scouts whose cars zoomed down the tracks toward the finish line.

Participation in the Derby gives Girl Scouts the chance to learn the basics of woodworking, engineering and fair competition.  

Medals were given out for the fastest cars.

First place—Marissa P.

Second place—Shayla K.  

Third place—Katie B.  

In addition, trophies were given to Kaitlyn K. for most glamorous car; Catie P. for best Girl Scout themed car; Kaitlyn C. for most unique designed car and Faith M. for most Girl Scout spirit.