
Levittown PAL/Babe Ruth Receive Additional Funds

The Levittown Police Athletic League and Babe Ruth Leagues recently received part of a $43,000 BP Fueling Communities grant from the New York and New Jersey gas station owners.


The donations are part of $1.3 million that BP Branded Marketers of New York and New Jersey have given back to their communities since 2011, when the Fueling Communities program was established. Last year, BP Branded Marketers supported the Police Athletic League through Fueling Communities, and this year they are expanding outreach to another youth sports organization as well as addressing Hurricane Sandy relief. 


With the additional funding, the Levittown PAL plans to allocate funds to replace floor mats for Special Needs Unit Karate Program.


The Levittown Babe Ruth athletic and central leagues also received part of a $43,000 BP Fueling Communities grant and plan to use it to purchase new equipment and uniforms for its players. 


The donations were made possible by the support of more than 200 local BP station owners through the BP Fueling Communities program. This program gives back to local organizations that support health, youth, education, food and housing to spread charity and goodwill. The donations are the latest commitment BP has made in America, after donating $32 million to U.S. community programs in 2012.