Board of Education Vice President Kevin Carroll spoke about fundraising programs for school athletic teams at a recent Board of Education meeting. The programs will allow sports teams to create extra activity clubs in order to offset costs of district funds.
“These clubs will be similar to other school clubs like the French Club or the Ecology Club,” said Carroll. “These will help the varsity teams, who under the current charter are not allowed to do their own fundraising.”
Carroll added that the fundraising efforts would go towards items like Varsity Letter jackets which can be quite pricey.
“I want to follow up with the high school principal (Raymond Williams) and the Athletic Director to move forward with this. It is certainly a direction for the Administration to pursue,” he said.
The new district superintendent, Dr. Carl Bonuso, also gave his welcome speech at the board meeting. Bonuso served as interim superintendent in the Sag Harbor School District the past two years and is a retired superintendent in the Wantagh School system.
“What I want is to have positive, productive relationships between all members of our school family,” said Bonuso. “I want to have a healthy atmosphere here between members of our staff and our students.”
Bonuso gave a small presentation and recounted a speech he gave at a Sag Harbor Athletic Awards ceremony called ‘Ships in the Harbor.’
“I spoke about the different ships in a school district,” said Bonuso. “I spoke about scholarships, sportsmanship, championships, leadership, partnership and last but not least relationships because the best schools are the ones with the best relationships.”
He said that his speech was meant for more than the sports field but for the classroom and community at large.
He ended his address by saying he was going to keep his section of the district webpage updated with a constant stream of messages, articles and recommended readings for both parents and students.
At the board meeting on Aug. 20, Carroll also noted that the district webpage, has been updated and that there are plans to enhance it even more to make it a better source of information for parents and students.
The webpage lists updated features such as district policies in PDF format, the Hall of Fame honorees and a link to the Athletic Department.
“It is a tremendous source of information and knowledge to everyone in our district,” said Carroll.