
Mayor’s Report: September 25, 2014

Rosh Hashanah

The board of trustees and village staff join me in extending wishes for a very Happy New Year to our village residents and friends of the Jewish faith.

Police Department News

Each week in this column I will be including information from Commissioner Jackson of our police department. This week he has asked that I include the following:

Garden City Police Detectives are investigating a suspicious incident where two males entered an elderly person’s residence last week during the day, claiming to be employees of a water department checking the water quality inside the home.  Neither person had identification on them.

When the homeowner became suspicious and insisted that they show identification, the subjects left the residence and proceeded to drive away in a tan colored sedan. Subject #1 was described as a male white approximately 30 years of age wearing a white/blue striped shirt and Subject #2 was described as a male white approximately 40 years of age.

Upon further investigation, the Garden City Water Department advised that no employee was assigned to respond to this residence. This occurrence is similar to several distraction burglaries that have occurred in Nassau County where subjects enter residences claiming to be workers from public utilities, and as one subject distracts the homeowner, another subject roams throughout the residence stealing property. Please take every precaution when someone uninvited comes to your home. If you are unsure, do not let them into your home and call the Police Department at 911.

Railroad Parking Permits

On Monday, Sept. 8, the village began issuing resident railroad parking permits for the 2014-15 year.

Permits may be obtained at the Village Hall Business Office, 351 Stewart Ave. Residents who already possess a 2013-14 permit will receive a renewal application by mail which may be returned to the village either by mail or in person. Please review the information provided and correct any erroneous data and/or complete any missing information. A copy of your vehicle registration MUST accompany your application and check. The 2013-14 resident parking permits will be honored until Oct. 31.

In addition, the village will be offering railroad parking permits to non-residents for the Stewart Manor Station only. Current 2013-14 permits will not be honored after Sept. 30. These permits will be limited to seventy (70) at an annual fee of $300. For more information, please visit the village’s website www.gardencityny.net or call 516-465-4000.

Thank You Garden City Fire Department

Writing on behalf of the Garden City Community, I wish to thank Fire Chief William Castoro and the Members of the Garden City Fire Department for conducting the touching 13th year anniversary ceremony of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It was a very moving experience and assisted many of us to get through that difficult day.

Please Continue To Shop And Dine Outdoors In Garden City

The residents of Garden City are very fortunate to have viable retail businesses on Seventh Street, Franklin Avenue and New Hyde Park Road where there is a good variety of quality merchandise and family dining experiences available to be enjoyed. Please support these businesses and enjoy the products, variety and outstanding customer service. I look forward to seeing everyone in town.

Board Of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next board of trustees meetings will be held on Thursday, Oct. 2, and Thursday, Oct. 16. The meetings will be held in the boardroom at village hall and  begin at 8 p.m. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective.