
Food For Fines Has Big Year

From left: Ellen Broder, Joan Casson Sauer of the Bryant Library  and Kevin Fournilier, donations  coordinator for The INN
From left: Ellen Broder, Joan Casson Sauer of the Bryant Library
and Kevin Fournilier, donations
coordinator for The INN

The holiday season is long over, but the achievements of the Bryant Library and The Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN) are worth recalling.

For the past nine years, both the library and the INN have been involved with collecting cans and boxes for those in need. The program, Food for Fines has been a well received. Roslyn residents chipped in to the point where organizers were able to collected over 400 food items.

This year, there were flyers around the neighborhood, at the library and the local newspapers, explaining, that in lieu of paying late fees at The Bryant Library, people were asked to bring a non-perishable food item, to be given to The INN. One food item would reduce a late fee by $1.00 at the time of the donation.

Long Island families that are in need have been helped by the incredible generosity of The Bryant Library cardholders. The library donated nine boxes of food, all of which went to The Mary Brennan INN soup kitchen and shelters.