
Sidewalk “sale” in GN?

VillageHall_031115ANo, sidewalks are not for sale in the Old Village, but the big news is that property owners can now repair damaged sidewalks at a reduced fee. The mayor and the board of trustees at the Village of Great Neck unanimously voted to approve the village’s 10th Annual Sidewalk Sale, waiving all fees and deposits normally required in connection with sidewalk repairs or replacements. Sidewalks are the responsibility of all village property owners, whether the property owner is a business or a resident. This particular fee waiver went into effect on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, and applies to all sidewalk permits issued until Nov. 30, 2015.

The sidewalk sale waives both the permit fees and completion deposits required for village residents and businesses, whether repairing or replacing their sidewalks. While a permit from the village is still required, the permit fee (normally $200) and the completion deposit (which depends on the extent of the work done) are both waived. Replacement sidewalks on Middle Neck Road in the village are required to be the brick pavers tht have already been used by many merchants and by the village.

Old Village Mayor Ralph Kreitzman explained that village officials “believe in ensuring a safe environment for our residents, visitors and shopers…it is a top priority.” The first sidewalk sale was approved almost 10 years ago in the village and has been renewed every year due to the positive feedback from residdents, according to the mayor. “The sale benefits everybody in the village,” said the mayor, emphasizing the this “sale” provides property owners with an incentive to do the work promptly.

And, as an added incentive, the village will make a special effort to notify all property owners with sidewalks in need of repair, inform them that this work is necessary and pursue them if the work is not a applied for and then completed. Especially following the brutal recent winter months, many sidewalks are in great need of repair.

For further information on the
Old Village Sidewalk Sale, call 516-482-0019 or stop in to Village Hall at 61 Baker Hill Rd.