
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar

Night of Jazz and Dancing

Saturday, May 2

Blood Drive

Monday, May 4

Budget Hearing

Wednesday, May 6

Thursday, April 30 – Saturday, May 2

Big Fish

The Performing Arts department of Holy Trinity Diocesan High School will present Big Fish. Tickets are $10 for adults; $8 for students. 7:30 p.m. For more information email hths98@holytrinityhs.echalk.com or call 516-433-2900, ext. 146.

Saturday, May 2

Night of Jazz and Dancing

Kiwanis Foundation of Hicksville is having a dance event to raise funds for local food pantries St. Brigid, Holy Family, United Methodist, Our Lady of Mercy and St. Ignatius. Baby Soda Jazz Band will perform. $20 per person. At St. Ignatius Loyola, 129 Broadway, Msgr. Tarrant Hall on E. Nicholai St. in Hicksville at 8 p.m. Bring a can of food or a paper product for the pantries. Bring your own bottle. Best dressed jazz age, ‘20s and ‘30s outfit will win a prize. For more information contact St. Ignatius Human Services 516-935-8846 or buy tickets at the door.

Monday, May 4

Blood Drive

Trinity Lutheran Church, 40 W. Nicholai St. in Hicksville will hold a blood drive from 2:45 to 8:45 p.m. in the multipurpose room. For an appointment, direction or more information, call Dorothy at 516-822-6697.

Health Homes Services Presentation

Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services will hold a presentation on Health Homes Services at 950 S. Oyster Bay Rd., Suite 102, in Hicksville. From 7 to 8 p.m. Call 516-822-6111 for more information.

Wednesday, May 6

A Guided Tour of Your Tablet

This class is open to seniors and will teach them how to use their tablets. At the William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, 28 W. Carl St. in Hicksville. $25.  From 9:30 a.m. to noon. This class is sponsored by EAC. Register by calling 516-539-0150, ext.130.

Budget Hearing

The Hicksville School District Board of Education will have a budget hearing in the administration building at 8:30 p.m.

St. Ignatius Senior Club

St. Ignatius meets at the William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, 28 W. Carl St., Hicksville, the first and third Wednesday of the month. Meet friends and make new ones. There is lunch, trips, shows, games and exercise. $7 for a year; $4 for lunch. For more information call 516-935-4750.

Thursday, May 7

Germanic Genealogy Group

At this monthly meeting of the Germanic Genealogy Group, there will be a discussion on German research online. Learn about the many websites that can help you break down walls and find the origin of your ancestors. From 7 to 9:30 p.m. For more information email germangenealogygroup@yahoo.com or visit www.germangenealogygroup.com

Saturday, May 9

Flea Market

The Parkway Community Church will hold a flea market at 95 Stewart Ave., in Hicksville to support the Hicksville Boys and Girls Club. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. Craft and food vendors interested in renting space should contact the church office at 516-938-1233. Call Kelly at 516-263-0057 for more information.