On Saturday, Sept. 26, from 1 to 4 p.m., Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington (Residents) presents the 16th annual Party in the Park in Blumenfeld Family Park. This year’s event will feature a carnival with games, trackless train rides around the park, tabletop basketball games, a Port Washington fire truck to explore, face painting by Dvora, an environmental scavenger hunt, flower planting and many other activities throughout the afternoon.
In addition, Alley Pond Environmental Center will bring at least two animals for children to touch and learn about—a turtle and a lizard. Residents Director of Development Lisa Grossman said, “They tell [the children] how these small animals live in the ponds in the area and what they do to survive throughout the year. The children enjoy that.”

“They also do an environmental scavenger hunt through the park,” Grossman added.
“We also promote healthy living, healthy environment and a better quality of life on the peninsula,” said Grossman. “We’re doing a ‘let’s move’ circle, part of our Let’s Move campaign.”
Several businesses are participating this year—Yoga Life, Parisi Speed School, Gold Coast Chiropractic, Dance Arts Centre and Voice Academy, which is new to town. “Throughout the day, they will be doing different fun activities with the kids while the carnival is going on,” Grossman said. There will be a family yoga session, demonstrations of how to walk and bend properly and examples of how you can move and be active while singing.

Look for cotton candy and ices, too.
Residents is an environmental action group made up of individuals, families and businesses who provide educational programs, smart growth initiatives, advocacy campaigns and beautification efforts in and around Port Washington.
Children ages 10 and younger are invited to join in the fun. A donation of $5 is required for each child.
Blumenfeld Family Park is located on Main Street, next to Landmark. For more details, call 516-767-9151.