
Alert Teaches Fire Safety

Former Chief George Motchkavitz explained how the burn trailer is used to help train the firefighters.
Former Chief George Motchkavitz explained how the burn trailer is used to help train the firefighters.

More than 300 people attended the Great Neck Alert Fire Company Open House

Firefighter Dago Rodriguez showed how to pry a door open using forcible entry techniques.
Firefighter Dago Rodriguez showed how to pry a door open using forcible entry techniques.

and viewed demonstrations on how firefighters prevent fires and save lives. Adults and children learned about fire safety, including how to extinguish a kitchen fire and use fire extinguishers, and observed how firefighters escape a burning structure.

Firefighters demonstrated vehicle extrication, which sometimes involves removing the front window using a battery-operated cutter or removing the doors and roof using hydraulic tools.
Firefighters demonstrated vehicle extrication, which sometimes involves removing the front window using a battery-operated cutter or removing the doors and roof using hydraulic tools.
Alert Chief James Neubert oversaw a demonstration on how to use a fire extinguisher on a trash fire.
Alert Chief James Neubert oversaw a demonstration on how to use a fire extinguisher on a trash fire.
Alert member David Hertz showed how a firefighter would bailout or get out of a burning structure.
Alert member David Hertz showed how a firefighter would bailout or get out of a burning structure.
Alert junior firefighters not only explained the different equipment used in the firetruck, how to use a hose and aim at a target, but also distributed handouts and giveaways to the children.
Alert junior firefighters not only explained the different equipment used in the firetruck, how to use a hose and aim at a target, but also distributed handouts and giveaways to the children.

