Tom Suozzi, the Democratic nominee for New York’s Third Congressional District, was joined by former Congressman Gary Ackerman, economist Dr. Martin Cantor and more than 50 residents for a town-hall meeting on the economy, jobs and taxes at Temple Beth-El of Great Neck on Tuesday, Sept. 20.
After Suozzi, Ackerman and Cantor each discussed their views and ideas for moving the country forward, the floor was opened to the voters, who asked questions and voiced their concerns and ideas on how we can grow the economy, create jobs and reduce the tax burden.
Suozzi began the night by describing why he’s hosting issue-based town-hall meetings, saying, “I want to move beyond the same old finger-pointing, yelling-at-each-other politics and start to bring together people of good will with different perspectives to actually talk to each other so we can solve the problems our country faces.”
Congressman Ackerman thanked Suozzi for hosting the town-hall meeting, calling the decision “very creative and a great public service that we can sit here during a campaign and discuss the issues in a reasonable way. Most of the time, during a campaign, a town hall breaks out into a food fight, nothing gets done and everyone is divided.”
During the town hall, Suozzi discussed why he’s opposed to an increase in federal taxes.
“New York State is a net ‘donor state’ when it comes to federal taxes. We pay more in taxes to the federal government than we get back in federal investment and aid,” said Suozzi, adding, “while other states are ‘taker states’ that receive more in investment and aid than their citizens pay in federal income taxes. The end result is a back-breaking tax burden and crumbling infrastructure for New Yorkers and similarly situated states. Meanwhile, the taker states have artificially low tax rates and 21st century infrastructure that lures companies, jobs and our family and friends away from New York. That’s why I’m opposed to an increase in federal income tax rates.”
The election for the Third Congressional District, which covers northern portions of Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties, is on Tuesday, Nov. 8. The seat is being vacated by Rep. Steve Israel, who announced his retirement from Congress earlier this year.