Editor’s Note: The Great Neck Record has been besieged with letters in response to Wendy S. Roth’s letter “Vote No on May 16” in the April 12 issue. The author makes verifiably untrue statements in response to the letter by Martha Cohen (“GN School Bond Defeat,” March 29), teachers in general, the Great Neck Public Schools and the proposed bond. Many community members recognized that the content of Roth’s letter were fabrications and were outraged. The Great Neck Record would like to clarify that while Roth’s letter only represents her opinion, we apologize for sharing misinformation.
When I saw a No vote for the Great Neck Public School Bond, tears came to my eyes.
What is happening to our community?
Our school system, the pillar of Great Neck, is in need of repair and modernizing. Our aging physical school environment calls out to the community for the health, safety and technology future of our children—and the community voted No.
I taught in the Great Neck school system for over 30 years. I continued teaching on the university level, teaching teachers. I came to my professorship well-prepared, thanking the Great Neck community all the way along for the working environment that helped me grow professionally along with my students.
I attended the bond information meetings, read the proposals and applauded the Board of Education members for their skills, research, devotion and time.
We will have a precious opportunity again to vote for a carefully thoughtful and well-prepared budget that will put the Great Neck school system on the education charts, and make our properties a sought-after place on Earth.
Go to the polls on Tuesday, May 16, and vote Yes, Yes, Yes for the budget. We can make a difference and provide an education for our youth which will ripple out into our democratic society.
So, walk out of your voting place with a smile rather than the detached expression I witnessed when I voted for the school bond.
—Martha (Kindergarten) Cohen