
CSTL Hosts Earth Day Event And Sister March To March For Science On Washington DC


Join the center as they get out of the labs and into the streets for science

March For Science Long Island
Learn more about the March for Science on the CSTL Facebook event page.

The Center for Science Teaching and Learning (CSTL) is providing the scenic backdrop for a very important event on this Earth Day, The March for Science Long Island on April 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Tanglewood Preserve. The march is part of a national effort to celebrate science because at its core, science is a tool for seeking answers.

Dr. Ray Ann Havasy from the CSTL stated, “Science is bipartisan, kids love science and science is important in our lives, especially on Long Island where we have concerns about water and about cancer risks. We wanted to offer to host this event so that the marchers can enjoy the science center and some great speakers.”

“We must take science out of the labs and journals and share it with the world,” said Diann Forquignon, director of membership services at the National Association of Professional Women. “The reason I wanted to organize the March for Science Long Island was I saw a need to remind everyone what an important part science plays in our everyday lives and make it more local to us. Having Ray Ann and CSTL come on board to host the event was more than I could have asked for and I’m extremely grateful to them for their help and support.” 

Join the CSTL, Long Island Activists, Indivisible Long Island, Long Island Atheists, New York’s 2nd District Democrats and Action Together Long Island (ATLI) for a free family-friendly Earth Day March and Rally. The day’s program will include speeches, activities for children including Earth Day crafts like making slime, science experiments throughout the day and musical entertainment.

The March on Long Island is one of at least 394 official satellite marches taking place around the world because science serves everyone.

For more information, visit www.marchforscience.com, or contact Diann at liberalislandny@gmail.com.