Garden City’s Thanksgiving Day road race is now accepting registrations

Long Island’s largest Thanksgiving Day road race will mark its 40th anniversary this November in Garden City. The annual Garden City Turkey Trot, a treasured community tradition, attracts runners from all over Long Island and beyond, including multi-generational families that have made the event a special part of their holiday.
Three races are offered: The Challenger Division Race for special needs athletes at 8:30 a.m., a 1.4-mile Fun Run at 9:15 a.m. and the 5-Mile Race at 10 a.m. All three races start and finish in front of the St. Paul’s site, 285 Stewart Ave., near the corner of Rockaway Avenue and Stewart Avenue in the center of Garden City.
More than 6,600 runners participated in the 2016 Fun Run and 5-Mile Race. The event has seen tremendous success spanning the last four decades. The Turkey Trot Race Committee works year-round to put on the quality event and thanks to the generosity of numerous corporate sponsors, the Garden City Turkey Trot is able to offer runners a big race experience while raising well over $1 million for charities over the years.
The Garden City Turkey Trot will once again benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and The INN. Runners are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the Turkey Trot Food Drive.
“We are fortunate to have so many runners from all over Long Island and beyond who love the Garden City Turkey Trot. Thousands of runners, volunteers and spectators—everyone is happy and in a great mood and helping our charities,” Race Director Ken Aneser said. “We have elite athletes, runners of all ages, walkers, jogging strollers and even people running as turkeys and Pilgrims. It really is a great scene. There is no better way to kick off Thanksgiving than running in the Garden City Turkey Trot with family and friends.”
The top overall finishers of the 5-mile race, male and female, will receive awards at the finish line area. The overall winner is awarded the Jim Flynn Memorial Trophy, named after the Garden City resident and four-time Turkey Trot winner who passed away prematurely in 2009.
Register online at to avoid late entry fees or in-person Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov. 22, at St. Paul’s from 6 to 8:30 p.m. or on race day Thursday, Nov. 23, beginning at 8 a.m.