
Prekindergarten Registration Continues

Enrollment for the Great Neck Public Schools Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) program, which is offered to all Great Neck School District residents at no cost, remains open for the 2018–19 school year. To be enrolled, children must be 4 years old by Dec. 1, 2018.

UPK is primarily located at the Parkville School at 10 Campbell St. in New Hyde Park, with bus transportation for both the morning and afternoon sessions. 

In compliance with the New York State Education Department, some students can attend the Great Neck Community School, the collaborative agency, at 225 Schenck Ave. The school district does not provide transportation for this location.

To enroll, visit the Phipps Administration Building at 345 Lakeville Rd. For additional information and to obtain a registration packet, call 516-441-4080. Learn more about the program at www.greatneck.k12.ny.us and click on the Parkville School logo near the top
of the screen.