
Town Of North Hempstead Declares October Domestic Violence Awareness Month

NewsBrief A
Pictured from left: Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman, Town Clerk Wayne Wink, Council Member Anna Kaplan, Nicole Maggiotta, Alberta Rubin, Keith Scott, Josh Hanson, Terray Gregoretti, Council Member Dina De Gorgio and Council Member Peter Zuckerman as they declare October Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

North Hempstead Town recently invited representatives from The Safe Center LI to Town Hall as they joined together to declare October Domestic Violence Awareness Month throughout the Town of North Hempstead.

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. It can include physical, emotional, psychological, financial and/or sexual abuse.

The Safe Center LI hotline—516-542-0404—operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week for domestic violence victims. The Safe Center services victims of domestic and dating violence, child abuse, rape and sexual assault and human trafficking. Free literature featuring resources for victims of abuse and sources of help will be available at locations throughout the town.