
1-800-Flowers.com Launches Wild Beauty

1-800-Flowers just gathered these gorgeous bouquets

The Naomi Bouquet

Everyone’s favorite flower brand has recently announced the launch of Wild Beauty, a new and exclusive collection of 11 farm fresh bouquets featuring seasonal stems in a mix of textures and rich, vibrant colors. These freshly-cut arrangements from 1-800-Flowers.com are grown with love at select eco-friendly, sustainable farms and are perfect for gift-giving or entertaining.

“In creating these beautifully deconstructed bouquets, our talented design team drew inspiration from just gathered flowers and bohemian influences to deliver a fresh point of view we believe shoppers will love,” said Alfred Palomares, vice president, Merchandising, 1-800-Flowers.com.

The Wild Beauty collection will feature new bouquet introductions seasonally, including everyday (roses, sunflowers, thistle, gerbera daisies, mini calla lilies and silver dollar eucalyptus), fall (reflecting the colors of a fall harvest, including striking sunflowers, spider mums and roses in burnt orange, tawny and various golden hues) and holiday season bouquets (festive arrangements featuring white, red, violet and mauve florals, mixed with jolly greens and winter-rustic accents). For the entire collection, visit www.1800flowers.com.


Overflowing with bold, vibrant blooms, gathered in a carefree style—it’s a spirited bouquet that says, “All eyes on me.”

The Chloe Bouquet


As comfortable at dinner parties as at casual get-togethers, Chloe’s bold white-on-white style always appears effortless. A cool bouquet of alabaster blooms speaks levels of beauty we may not even understand.

The Gabriella Bouquet


With cheerful orange and yellow blooms, and pops of purple just to keep them on their toes, this warm, boisterous bouquet has a beauty that speaks to everyone.

The Juliette Bouquet


How will they love these? Let us count the ways. The hopeful romantic one, Juliette’s softly gathered pink and red blooms with kisses of pure white will whisper sweet nothings, lending an air of romance and poetry to any space.

The Siena Bouquet


Perfectly imperfect yet so put-together, Siena is the cheerful optimist everyone wants to be around. Snappy yellow blooms in every degree of sunny. Put this bouquet anywhere and watch it chase the clouds away.

The Hannah Bouquet


Uninhibited and energetic, Hannah’s fresh rich, tawny hues exude plenty of rustic charm.

The Ava Bouquet


You know the one caroler who always sings just a little above the rest? That’s Ava. A festive melody of merry violets and mauves with a harmony of fresh greens, it’s a fa-la-la fabulous bouquet that hits all the high notes.

The Madison Bouquet


Reserved, but oh, so coy. Don’t let Madison’s demure beauty fool you. With those sunset orange and deep crimson blooms with red berry accents, this otherwise easy beauty knows how to kick up the fiery passion.

The Noelle Bouquet


Know any sugarplum dreamers? We do. Noelle is the kind of rosy romantic that’s happy sitting right beneath the mistletoe. Blooms of fresh green and merry red, let the holiday magic of this one go straight to their head.