
Roslyn Landmark Society Awarded Grant

Roslyn Landmark Society has received a $2,000 grant from the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation for operating expenses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic shut down. The Reimbursement Operating Support 2020 fund was created by the Gardiner Foundation to help counter the negative financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Long Island’s historic stewards.

Grants were available to all eligible Long Island’s historic mission-based nonprofit organizations for reimbursement of institutional expenses such as utilities and IT support incurred during the state-wide shut down from March through May 2020.

The Roslyn Landmark Society will utilize the $2,000 grant to reimburse expenses associated with upgrading its website and general utility costs. The upgraded website will add more features and links, news, events, project profiles, videos and a photo library.

“Thanks to the generosity of the Gardiner Foundation, our website will help us stay connected to members and the community, receive online donations and act as a platform for our membership and sponsor drives,” Jennifer Lister, director of the Roslyn Landmark Society, said.

For those interested in Roslyn history, the website will feature comprehensive narratives on Roslyn historic properties written by esteemed architects and local historians. For more information about the Roslyn Landmark Society, visit www.roslynlandmarks.org.
—Submitted by the Roslyn Landmark Society