
Something to Wine About: CANette Roses

cannette roses

Something really worth whining about right now are gas prices. Watching as they skyrocket can really put a damper on summer road trips. One might think flying is the way to go … until watching the news and seeing flight after flight get canceled.

What might give some solace is enjoying a staycation. Even if the only flamingos you see this summer are the blow up kind, here’s a novel idea: One of the most fun ways you can start turning your backyard into an island oasis can be with your beverage. Afterall, Long Island is an island, right? 

There are two rose wine spritzers from CANette that can instantly give your backyard pool or a local beach the tropical appeal: CANette Rose Wine Spritzer Watermelon and Yuzu and CANette Rose Wine Spritzer Pomegranate and Lime. 

Yuzu, by the way, looks a bit like a lumpy lemon or lime, and the flavor is a hybrid of lemon, lime, and grapefruit. The yuzu, combined with watermelon’s ability to call forward all those wonderfully youthful summer memories, and the lovely wine in the CANette rose, makes this spritzer fabulously exotic tasting. Exactly what’s called for if an exotic locale isn’t in the cards.

The CANette Rose Wine Spritzer Pomegranate and Lime is another wonderful fun-in-the-sun go-to for any close-by getaway—even if it’s just getting away from work. The pomegranate is delicious, and the lime keeps the flavor lively and fresh. 

Both CANette spritzers are only 6% alcohol, no added sugar, no artificial flavoring, and gluten free and retailing for $24 for a four pack. This is an easily affordable alternative to a canceled flight or taking out a mortgage for a few tanks of gas. 

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