
PASE To Meet October 18

PASE logoThe Manhasset Parent Association For Special Education (PASE) will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. person in the community room at the District Office, 200 Memorial Pl., Manhasset or by Zoom.

The topic will be “The IEP Process” and speakers will be Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Allison Rushforth, Secondary Special Education Director Stewart Grabelsky and Preschool and Elementary Special Education Director Dr. Kristi Keingstein.

Learn about building level intervention, starting the special education process, evaluations, and continuum of services. Join Zoom Meeting at https://mufsd-org.zoom.us/j/87675140738. Meeting ID: 876 7514 0738

Founded in 1990. PASE is dedicated to serving the needs of special education in Manhasset.

—Submitted by Manhasset PASE