
20th anniversary of the reopening of South Salem Elementary School

South Salem Elementary School alumni will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the reopening of Salem Elementary School on Saturday, Sept. 28.

South Salem Elementary School was originally built in 1951 as a satellite of the Flower Hill School, according to the Guide to the Port Washington Schools/Faiella Collection in the Port Washington Public Library Archives.

The district closed four schools, including Salem Elementary School in 1985, due to declining enrollment, according to a 1994 article published in The New York Times.

The school was reopened as a kindergarten through fifth-grade elementary school in 2005.

To celebrate the first classes that attended the reopened school, a group of former students have planned a 20th-anniversary reopening celebration for any students who attended the school in its opening to get together and reminisce on the time spent growing and learning together at Salem Elementary.

The reunion committee has put together a collection of written memories submitted by former students for reunion attendees to view in the school’s gym. In addition, the committee has gathered different artifacts from the Port Washington Library and the Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society to display at the reunion.

The reunion will take place at Salem Elementary, located at 10 Newbury Road on Sept. 28. For more details on how to join the reunion celebration, scan the QR code.

qr code 337x334 1
(Provided by the Reunion Committee)