I am running for the Floral Park-Bellerose School Board (FPBSD) as a trustee on May 20, and I would like your support. My main goal, if elected, is to provide a voice for parents that want to better appreciate what is happening in the FPBSD’s education program and to help them understand how their voices can make a real difference to district policies.
I have two children in elementary school at FPBS; both of whom have mixed feelings about school — which I think could change given the right atmosphere. I loved elementary school (FPBS) as a child and had the pleasure of reconnecting with a few of the teachers I had as a child when my children entered school. The last being Mr. Plank (gym) who was the “David Beckham” of gym back then. While my children have wonderful teachers, current and past, changes to the curriculum, administration and overall “community-feel” of the school have really been challenging for me. I want to work with the board of education to make changes based on public opinion and feedback.
To improve the education standards in our district, we must work together – teachers and parents alike. As parents we must support teachers in their need to set their own personal classroom guidelines that give them the flexibility to work with children of all achievement levels. And teachers must in turn educate parents on curriculum changes, schedules and administrative issues that affect the classroom. There must be good communication with no fear of recourse and I want to help facilitate that with a seat on the board of education.
To improve student morale we must provide additional outlets for children learning under new and challenging conditions; more time away from their desks, recess as part of the class (not lunch), project-based learning with more room for science, art, history and age-appropriate play. In my view it is most important that parents be given a louder voice that helps fuel a transparent and honest discussion about what the community wants from its schools and how our schools can better reflect a source of pride for the FPB community.
Please come out and vote on May 20. If you are not registered to vote in the FPBSD you can do so on May 12, 2014 at either FPBS or JLCS from 4 to 8 p.m. (wherever you are zoned). If you have any questions, contact Debbie Sawicki, district clerk at 516-434-2725. If you are currently registered to vote in any election you are registered to vote in the FPBSD election. For this election you may also register with Nassau County Board of Elections (phone 516-571-2411). The form is available online at the Nassau County Board of Elections (www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/BOE/index.html).
— Elizabeth A. Rossi