
Vintage Fabulous Finds Returns to the Bryant Library

Vintage Fabulous Finds has returned to the Bryant Library.
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Ellen F. Broder (Photo credit Lauren Feldman)

A kaleidoscope of creative color adorns the Bryant Library, showcasing some of the very vintage collections of Ellen F. Broder.

From her teenage days of searching and finding that “must have piece,” to wearing one of a kind handbags, jewels and accessories, she loves living with her fabulous finds. Ellen is filled with a passion for collecting all vintage thing, saying “Once a Collector-Always a Collector. You never know what you’ll discover when you’re out and about.” Her home and handbag collections, have been presented in Newsday, Vintage & Victoria magazine, this Old House publication, and Anton’s own Blvd. Ellen has created vintage fashion shows for charity and events. Come and see the style, sentiment and sparkle of treasures from past pleasures.



Information provided by the Bryant Library.