
General MacArthur Pride Reigns At Homecoming

Dylan Pearce and Samantha Johnson crowned

Students, staff and members of the Levittown community displayed their school spirit and community pride during MacArthur High School’s annual homecoming game and parade. The weekend event commenced with an afternoon pep rally in the school’s auditorium with cheering for the various athletic teams and introduction of the school’s athletes.

Prior to homecoming game, the administration and members of the board of education led the procession of floats, marching bands, cheerleaders, and homecoming court members in the parade from Cherrywood Shopping Center in Wantagh to the high school athletic field.

At halftime, the senior football players and Color Guard members and an escort were honored for years of service on and off the field. The members of the homecoming court were also announced, and King Dylan Pearce and Queen Samantha Johnson were crowned to the cheers of fans in the bleachers. The halftime show proceeded with a show-stopping presentation by the marching band.

The highlight of the day, however, was the Generals’ 42-7 victory over Herricks, resulting in a homecoming weekend to be remembered.