
POB Cheerleaders Take First Place

The Plainview-Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School Varsity and Junior Varsity Cheerleaders placed first and second, respectively, in the Valley Stream North Cheerleading Competition on Sunday, Dec. 2. The varsity squad, led by captain Jessica Doremus, competed in the afternoon, taking first place against 10 other varsity squads. The junior varsity squad, competing in the morning, placed second against four other squads. Pictured with their first-place trophy are, on the top row: Gianna Oliva, Marissa Corbett, Alexa Cepeda, Mackenzie Venezia, Amanda Mazzocchi, Amanda Corbett, Jen Klein and Jen Saraceno. Pictured on the bottom row are Elena Santana, Caitlyn Overbeck, Capt. Jessica Doremus, Danielle Goehring, Shayna Krasnoff, Danielle Hall and Maria Leon.