
Ending Distracted Driving

SyossetDriveThe Arrive Alive Tour made a stop at Syosset High School before the end of the past school year to educate students in grades 10 to 12 on the dangers of texting while driving and drunk driving.

The program, sponsored by the Syosset Council of PTAs and Inspire Bright — an organization founded by students Rachel Roth and Jillian Roth — utilizes a high-tech simulator, impact video and several other resources to demonstrate to students the dangers of destructive decisions behind the wheel.

Participants were able to get into an actual vehicle — with the battery disabled and car immobilized — and put on a high-definition, stereoscopic virtual reality headset, which enabled them to experience the potential consequences of distracted driving in a controlled environment.

Students also viewed a graphic movie depicting the devastating results of drunk and distracted driving.