
Manhasset Community Fund & AIL

AIL_010915AThe Manhasset Community Fund provides vital annual support to Adventures in Learning, a Manhasset not-for-profit that provides free after school care, homework assistance and social and cultural enrichment to low income, at risk elementary school students.

“Adventures” is located in the Hagedorn Community Center on High Street in Manhasset. It serves up to 80 children per year, providing a safe, stable after-school experience and an opportunity to develop academic, social and life skills. Annual substantial grants from MCF have been instrumental in instituting or expanding programs ranging from Early Reading Development to Nutrition Education to Digital Literacy.
According to current program statistics, virtually all of the children that attend Adventures’ after school program have one or two working parents. Yet, despite this regular employment, 90 percent of these families live at or below the poverty line. Approximately 60 percent of the children come from families headed by a single parent and sixty-five percent are English as a Second Language students.
After-school enrichment is especially crucial for these students because most of their parents have limited education themselves. Half of the children come from homes where the highest level of parental education is elementary school, and less than fifteen percent have a parent who continued their education beyond high school.
Many of the annual Manhasset Community Fund grants to Adventures in Learning have been used to introduce or improve specific academic programs. Recent MCF grants have funded the on-going digital literacy initiative which enables the students to have better access to technology and improved computer skills.
Please support the Manhasset Community Fund to allow them to continue to support this and other vital local programs.
Your donation to the Manhasset Community Fund helps so many.