
Single Sessions Pack A Punch

signDuring November at Great Neck Public Schools Community Education, don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your life, your finances and your tech skills with these one-session classes.


Gmail has grown rapidly into the largest web-based email system. Instructor Woody Greenberg will show you how to fully use the features of Gmail, set up Google addresses, send and receive messages, handle attachments and use search operators in lieu of sorting your mail. You’ll also become familiar with Google Calendar and other free services available with a Gmail address. Class meets on Monday, Nov. 2, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fee: $49.

Elder Law: How to Protect Your Assets

Receive insightful and beneficial information for seniors and their families. Acquire expert tips in legal issues concerning payment for longterm care/insurance, Medicaid, eligibility/planning trusts and asset protection. Attorney Ronald Fatoullah will cover setting up a trust and a living will, nursing home expenses and the role of an elder law attorney. Session meets on Thursday, Nov. 5, from 7 to 8 p.m. Fee: $15.

For additional information on these and other Community Ed offerings, and for registration, go to www.greatneck.k12.ny.us and click on the Community Ed icon, or call 516-441-4949.