Al Trapani specializes in preserving memories. And now the owner of Trapani Art & Frame has brought his craft to Garden City. In the past few weeks, the East Williston resident has moved into the space formerly occupied by Sunflower Fine Art Gallery on Seventh Street.

As is the case with his Manhasset anchor store, this satellite location is a custom frame shop and fine art gallery that provides museum quality framing to customers, interior designers and businesses. Trapani’s work is done in-house and with Garden City’s square footage being roughly half the size of his North Shore branch, orders are processed in the other store’s basement workshop. And while he’s been in his new digs for only a short time, the amiable Trapani has been thrilled with the response he’s gotten so far. On a recent sunny day, temperatures are in the ‘70s and the foot traffic is fairly heavy.
“Garden City is an entity unto itself. They control the stores and storefronts, so it’s a nice mix of shops,” he explained.

(Photo by Dave Gil de Rubio)
Just as he’s done with his Manhasset store, Trapani has made a point of developing and supporting local artists by selling their wares through his stores. It’s a part of the business he immensely enjoys.
“I think art is very subjective—either you like it or you don’t like it. It has nothing to do with hidden meanings. Obviously, I’m not the type of gallery that’s going to sell avant-garde stuff that’s way out there. My job is to sell attractive art at a reasonable price,” he said. “People do appreciate the fact that I’m pushing the local artist. It’s like shopping locally—kind of like going to your local deli or dry cleaners. And the artists appreciate that too—that I’m trying to push the Long Island artist.”
Among the local artists whose work you’ll find at Trapani Galleries are East End favorite Daniel Pollera, abstractionist-turned-naturalist Connie Foley and renowned instructor Howard Rose. In landing in Garden City, this move wound up being one that Trapani wasn’t looking to make. That is, until the closing of Sunflower made this space available and a Garden City realtor who had never met the Manhasset business owner cold-called him to apprise him of the opportunity to plant a flag on Seventh Street. It’s something Trapani wouldn’t have considered were it not for the trust he has in his veteran staff.
Daniel Pollera’s “View from the North Fork”
“I’ve got a great crew that I can rely on. That’s the only reason that I did this. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t know that the Manhasset store, which is my bread and butter, wasn’t in good hands—which it is,” he said.
Trapani Art & Frame is located at 172 Seventh St. in Garden City (516-414-8521) and 447 Plandome Rd. in Manhasset (516-365-6014). Visit for more information.