
Editor’s Pick: Port Washington Dining

Port Dining_Butlers

PortDining WildHoney e1469653057850Here are some of our favorite spots when dining on and around the port, especially during summertime.

Wild Honey on Main

172 Main St.
www.wildhoneyonmain.com • 516-439-5324

Rave reviews for the striped bass and kani salad.

PortDining_AyhansAyhan’s Mediterranean Marketplace and Cafe

293 Main St.
www.ayhansmarketplace.com • 516-767-1400

A Mediterranean deli and cafe; check out the spanakopita and take a seat in the cafe looking out over the bay.


Louie’s Oyster Bar & Grille

395 Main St.
www.louiesoysterbarandgrille.com • 516-883-4242

Oysters and lobster are musts here, including eating on the deck.

PortDining_LaMottasLa Motta’s Restaurant

10 Matinicock Ave.
www.lamottas.net • 516-944-7900

LaMotta’s is a favorite, especially during the day. Try the classic baked clams or the truffle oil steak fries.

PortDining_BosphorusBosphorus Cafe Grill

138 Shore Rd.
www.bosphoruscafegrill.com • 516-321-9999

This is a little-known gem, a Turkish grill. Try the falafel or the hollow bread.

PortDining_MiRanchito_NEWMi Ranchito Bar & Grill

195 Manorhaven Blvd.

We like the pupusas and the deep fried ice cream, at an outside table.

Port Dining Butlers e1469653805947Butler’s Flat

86 Orchard Beach Blvd.
www.butlersflat.com • 516-883-8330

Open seasonally. Try the lobster roll or the clams and bring your own bottle of wine.

—Compiled by Christy Hinko