
Peggy Post’s Top Five Tips For Stress-Free Gift Giving

stress_aYou should feel good about the gifts you give. Keeping in mind that it truly is the thought behind the gift and spirit of generosity with which it is given that matter most, here are five tips for giving gifts without succumbing to stress.

Get Their Wish List

Ask people for hints or even a wish list. Gather ideas during the year, and write everything down.

Trust Your Judgment

Forget about being afraid the gift isn’t “perfect.” If you think the person will like it, chances are they will.

Stick To Your Budget

Spending more than you should takes the fun out of gift giving. There’s nothing more stressful than overspending—and feeling uneasy about it.

Buy It When You See It

If you’re shopping in July and see a sweater that your mother would love, buy it. It probably won’t be there when you look in December.

Start A Gift Closet

Stash a few gifts that will work in a pinch: copies of your favorite cookbook, a good bottle of wine or boxes of beautiful note cards. That way you’ll be ready if you need a gift on the spot.

—Peggy Post writes for the Emily Post Institute