
Egg Finding Fun In Floral Park

EggHunt 41917A A sunny, beautiful morning recently found more than 125 children and their parents journeying to the Floral Park Recreation Center for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The staff, with major assistance from 15 volunteers from Floral Park Memorial Lions Club, took part in the set up and supervision of Easter games in front of the Shelter House. Children old and young enjoyed the numerous games and were delighted to receive a wide variety of prizes for their efforts. The Easter Bunny, Nora Kennedy, walked around handing out jelly beans and created picture opportunities with the basket caring youngsters. Mayor Dominick Longobardi along with Recreation Trustee Frank Chiara, Trustees Kevin Fitzgerald, Dr. Lynn Pombonyo,

EggHunt 41917BArchie Cheng and Recreation Superintendent Kurt Meyfohrt, welcomed parents and children and he thanked them all for coming and wished all a happy holiday. At 9:30 a.m., the official signal was sounded and children ages five and under gleefully charged into Tiny Town. Fifteen minutes later, children six and over were on the hunt for eggs by the basketball/stage area. Gena King, Finola McGovern, and Wendy Bilka helped to organize this annual spring time event.

—Incorporated Village of Floral Park