Nassau County Executive Laura Curran recently announced she has directed officials at the Assessment Review Commission (ARC) and Department of Assessment (DOA) to accept property assessment grievance filings until Monday, April 2, in order for the county to provide additional community outreach explaining the property assessment grievance process.
“Not all county property owners are familiar with the assessment grievance process and the many resources available to them to learn how to file themselves,” said Curran. “We plan to hold these workshops throughout Nassau County.”
Among the ways property owners can learn the assessment system is to visit the ARC website and view an easy to understand video at The five-minute instructional video, “How to Appeal Your Assessment,” walks filers through the process and provides clear direction on how to obtain all of the information necessary to file.
Other county officials agreed that a tax grievance deadline was not only appropriate at this time, but also necessary.
“I support extending the deadline for taxpayers to file an assessment challenge,” said Nassau County Presiding Officer Rich Nicollelo. “Taxpayers should be given every opportunity to exercise their rights.”
Meanwhile, Nassau County Minority Leader Kevan Abrahams said, “It’s fair to give our residents more time to educate themselves about their rights to grieve property assessment.”
Homeowners who believe that their assessed value for the 2018-19 school and general property tax year is too high, or property’s classification or exemption status is incorrect, are encouraged to file an “Application for Correction of Assessment” with ARC before the close of the grievance filing period on April 2, 2018.
ARC applications can be obtained online at For individuals who do not have Internet access, the application can be obtained in person at ARC located at 240 Old Country Rd. in Mineola or by contacting ARC at 516-571-3214. ARC hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Individual notices of tentative assessed value, which were mailed by DOA, are available for viewing to homeowners at While the notices show the assigned tentative assessed value for each property for the 2019-20 school and general tax years, it does not reflect the amount of property taxes that will be imposed by a school district or local taxing authority. There is no fee to file an “Application for Correction of Assessment” with Nassau County.
“Homeowners need to be educated about the property assessment system,” said Curran. “Make sure you look at your tentative assessed value and then use the county’s resources to self file a grievance.”
If owners have not received their assessment disclosure letter that had been mailed in January, they may call the DOA at 516-571-1500 or visit the department website at