On Dec. 15, Santa Claus will make his annual appearance at Sylvan Place in Valley Stream. From 7 to 9 p.m., everyone is welcome to visit Santa, and every child gets to sit on Santa’s lap and receive a present.
The street will be closed from 6 to 10 p.m., with barricades and auxiliary police. Come and view the spectacle of Christmas, with many homes decorated to the hilt. There will be free hot dogs, hot chocolate, candy canes and more for all.
This event was a huge success in prior years, as it provided a safe environment for all. There will be a charity book in memory of two of our neighbors who passed away too soon. Proceeds go to Sunrise Day Camp in memory of Chris Schroeder. This will be split with the Anchor Program Fund in honor of Michael Smith.
We hope many of you will join us as we share some of the season’s joy and happiness with our families, friends and neighbors. All are welcome to share in the holiday cheer.
For questions, call or text Sheryl at 516-316-2423 or email sherylkushnick@aol.com or contact Alex at commish1964@aol.com.
Thank you all and have a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday season.
—Submitted by Alex Carr