Patrons to eat blindfolded meal in restaurant transformed into setting of post-apocalyptic Netflix blockbuster thriller

The historic Milleridge Inn in Jericho will transform into scenes from the Netflix blockbuster Bird Box as hundreds of local residents blindfold themselves and eat a meal to reenact the iconic scenes of the movie on Friday, Jan. 11, at 6 p.m. Bird Box fanatics will enter a post-apocalyptic scene where humanity is being attacked by supernatural monsters.
Patrons must remain silent and under no circumstances are allowed to take off their blindfolds. Birds will be chirping and the sounds of rushing water will be played in the dining room which will be transformed into a forest. Customers who complete the blindfolded meal will be permitted to visit the birdhouse, a safe, well-lit area where they may remove their blindfolds without fearing the monsters.
In addition, the soundtrack from the movie will be played. Bird Box will be shown on all restaurant televisions.
Millions have participated in the internet viral sensation of blindfolding themselves and posting on social media. Officials have issued warnings about the safety hazards of participating in the challenge, The Milleridge Inn is offering an alternative for people wanting to participate in the challenge safely.
Restaurateur Butch Yamali, owner of the Milleridge Inn, said, “It takes a brave soul to go through this challenge, but for those who doubt it, they may think it’s for the birds. If the ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ could make it down the river, anything is possible. Our customers are excited to be part of the most trendy sensation in recent internet history and our restaurant will provide them the ‘wings’ that they need to participate in the Bird Box Challenge.”
The Milleridge Inn is located at 585 North Broadway, Jericho. Visit to make a reservation for the Bird Box Sensory Dining Experience.