
The Safe Center LI Helps Abuse Victims Become Survivors

the safe center li
The Safe Center LI is located in Bethpage. (Courtesy The Safe Center LI)

The Safe Center LI Helps Abuse Victims Become Survivors

Long Islanders experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or any kind of abuse don’t have to suffer alone – The Safe Center LI is here to help victims become survivors.

The Bethpage-based agency offers a wide array of free services for victims of domestic or dating abuse, child or elder abuse, rape, or sexual assault. This includes a confidential 24/7 hotline that victims can call for help with safety planning, to learn about services, or for crisis intervention.

“We are a leader in responding to these issues of interpersonal violence,” says Joshua Hanson, executive director of The Safe Center LI. “There is not a similar agency in New York State that combines all these services in one setting. It’s a remarkable agency, and it’s something Long Islanders should be proud to have here.”

The Safe Center LI offers counseling, advocacy, and housing services, as well as assisting with referrals and running educational programs in the community.

The organization formed when two long-standing Long Island agencies – The Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CADV) and the Coalition Against Child Abuse & Neglect (CCAN) – merged in 2014 after having served abuse victims since the 1970s.

Today, The Safe Center LI has expertise in a wide range of abuse issues, including human trafficking, dating violence, LGBTQ+ relationship abuse, children’s mental health, and others. 

“The Safe Center is awesome. They loved me until I could love myself,” one survivor says in a video on the organization’s website. “I’m here today to let people know that there is help.”

“They didn’t see me as damaged goods or messed up,” another survivor says. “They saw me as a child who was a victim of sexual abuse and that though this has happened to me, there was hope of recovery. There was hope of having a different outcome.”

The Safe Center has volunteer opportunities and holds annual fundraising events. This year there will be a 5K Race on April 1, the Swing for Hope Golf Outing on June 12, and the annual gala in November.

For more information, visit tscli.org.