Chantey Sing
Friday, October 30
Halloween Ragamuffin Contest
Friday, October 30
State of the Watershed Report
Wednesday, November 4
Friday, October 30
Chantey Sing
At the Waterfront Center, 101 West End Ave., from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The center is a not-for-profit community marine organization comprised of the Oyster Bay Sailing School and the restored oyster sloop Christeen. Chanteys are marine work songs that were used to inspire the sailors as they hauled massive sails, booms and yards in the old square rigged ships. The music and words were often created by the chantey man to fit the ship. The sing will feature guitars, solos, choral singing and instruments such as spoons. No admission charge, but a donation will be requested. Alcoholic beverages discouraged but snacks to be shared are encouraged. Call Doug Durfree 681-1671.
Halloween Ragamuffin Contest
Sponsored by the Village of Bayville at 6 p.m. at St. Gertrude’s Parish Center. The event is for all children, infants to fifth graders with a special event for moms and dads. There will be refreshments and prizes for all. A favorite part of the evening is the competition between all the moms and dads who accompany their children. The event is free. Call the Village Hall 628-1439.
Talent Show
Oyster Bay High School is holding a Talent and Variety Show featuring the talents of students and staff playing together in the Oyster Bay High School Performing Arts Center at 8 p.m. The $5 admission will go to defraying the cost of the college visitation trips planned for the eighth and tenth grade classes later this school year.
Saturday, October 31
Egg Stripping Demonstrations
Learn about trout reproduction. Observe the process of egg and milt stripping from live trout. 1 and 3 p.m. at the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium, 1660 Route 25A, Cold Spring Harbor. General admission. Call 692-6768.
Sunday, November 1
Foraging Tour
Naturalist/author “Wildman” Steve Brill will lead one of his world-famous foraging tours of Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich. A great abundance of edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms makes this preserve a great place for foraging in late fall. The 4-hour walking tour begins at 11:45 a.m. at the Syosset RR station ticket office, 30 Underhill Blvd. Call 914-835-2153 at least 24 hours ahead to reserve a place. The suggested donation is $15 adults; $10 children under 12. Bring exact change. Nobody is ever turned away due to lack of funds.
Wednesday, November 4
State of the Watershed Report
Friends of the Bay will present its State of the Watershed Report at a public meeting to be held in its offices at 2 Townsend Square at 7:30 p.m. Friends of the Bay is committed to the protection of the Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor Estuary and the surrounding watershed. The report summarizes existing environmental and land use conditions in the watershed. It is a comprehensive document that integrates many environmental indicators to assess the current health of the watershed and potential future threats. The report provides a baseline assessment of watershed conditions, which can be updated periodically to evaluate changes in the watershed and help direct watershed management planning. Go to or call at 922-6666.
Thursday, November 5
Fall Harvest Pet Fest Dinner
To benefit the dogs and cats of Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation of Syosset. Sit-down dinner, cash bar. 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Chateau La Mer, 845 Wellwood Ave., Lindenhurst. $65 pp. After Oct. 30 $70. Call 509-0137 or 631-946-9528.
Book Discussion
Colum McCann will read from and discuss his 2009 National Book Award finalist Let the Great World Spin. All are welcome at this free event. 7 p.m. at the Cold Spring Harbor Library, 95 Harbor Rd., Cold Spring Harbor. Seating is limited. Sign up on the events calendar at: or call the library at 631-692-6820.