Our Young People and Halloween
Regrettably, all too often our young people are criticized for the negative behavior of a relative few. I am pleased to let you know that this Halloween was virtually free of vandalism demonstrating that our young people do care about their village. On behalf of the parents, I thank residents for providing delicious but safe “treats” for the children. A good day was had by all!
AAA 2010 Community Traffic Safety Awards Program
Last week, I had the honor of representing the village along with Commissioner Cipullo at the AAA Community Traffic Safety Awards Program. The Village of Garden City was one of the municipalities statewide to receive a Platinum Award, AAA’s highest Award, for its commitment to traffic safety and for success in addressing local traffic safety issues. In addition, for the third consecutive year, Garden City received the AAA Pedestrian Safety Award. These awards are just one example, which represents how fortunate we are in the village to have such a dedicated and efficient Police Department.
Field 7N Reconstruction Project —Update
The village began the reconstruction of Village Parking Field 7N (located opposite Village Hall between Stewart Avenue and Seventh Street), six weeks ago. Construction hours are between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. One section of the parking field will be closed at all times during the construction. The contractor has begun work in the center section of the field behind Key Food. The construction area is fenced and available for deliveries only. Customers are encouraged to continue to support these merchants and park outside of the construction areas within the field or on Seventh Street.
The reconstruction and relighting of Village Parking Field 7N (located opposite Village Hall on Stewart Avenue and Seventh Street) is progressing well. The center section of the field has been completed and is open for parking. The westerly end of the field is closed and weather permitting, will remain closed through Wednesday, Nov. 10 for base repairs, repaving and striping. On Thursday, Nov. 11, the westerly section of the field will be opened and the easterly most section of the field will be closed for construction.
The entire project is anticipated to take eight weeks to complete and the contractor and Village will be working to maintain safety and minimal inconvenience.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time ended on Sunday, Nov. 7. Residents are reminded that clocks should be set back one hour.
This is also a good time to check your smoke and carbon monoxide batteries. In fact, it is recommended that you install new batteries twice a year to be sure they are always working properly. If you do replace your batteries, please be aware that there is a box for recycling batteries in the Business Office at Village Hall.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is the one day each year in which America remembers her sons and daughters who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. It is right that a gratified nation set aside one day a year to recognize and remember these men and women.
On Thursday, Nov. 11, the William Bradford Turner Post of the American Legion of Garden City held a short memorial salute to these Veterans at the memorial situated on the library grounds on Seventh Street.
There was regular garbage and recycling pickup on Veterans Day.
Local Law — Solicitations
The village’s solicitation law prohibits all unwanted commercial solicitations and distributions on all private residential property in the village and prohibits non-commercial solicitations and distributions on private property to the extent desired by the resident. This law was designed to protect residents from unwanted invasions of their privacy.
Any resident requesting not to be solicited should complete a “Notice of Objection” form at the Village Hall. Presently, the board has authorized certain groups to solicit door-to-door in the Village. As of this writing the only groups that have permission to solicit are the Boy Scouts of America and the New York Youth Club.
The Boy Scouts of America has permission to sell wreaths and poinsettias door-to-door from Oct. 24 through Dec. 4, 2010, Mondays through Fridays between the hours 4 to 8 p.m.; and on Saturdays between the hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The New York Youth Club has permission to conduct a door-to-door outreach program on the following Saturdays, Dec.18, 2010; Jan. 8, 2011; and Feb. 12, 2011 between the hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees meeting is on Nov. 18.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net. For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page is a direct link to the Garden City Library in which you will find various programs offered to residents of all ages.