
Breaking Dawn Trailer Released

Screen shot 2011-09-14 at 10.44.31 AM

Screen shot 2011 09 14 at 10.44.31 AM1Start preparing for Nov. 18 “Twilight” fans.

That is the day that “Breaking Dawn – Part 1” from the “Twilight” saga hits theaters, and it is already getting plenty of attention.

The movie—based on the series by author Stephanie Meyer—has become a worldwide phenomenon since the first book came out, and the first movie was released in 2008.

Makers of the film released the trailer this week and it has the Twilight fan base buzzing.

The trailer starts innocently enough with the wedding of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), but things quickly turn dangerous after a baby starts growing inside Swan—and is slowly killing her from the inside.

Their unborn child now poses threats to the wolf pack and vampire coven.

Those involved in making the fourth movie of the series are expecting big things, since the three previous movies were moneymaking machines.

Here’s how the three previous films faired domestically:

Twilight (2008): $192,769,854

New Moon (2009): $296,623,634

Eclipse (2010): $300,531,751

Following in the footsteps of another global powerhouse—“Harry Potter”—“Breaking Dawn” will be released in two parts.

Part one is scheduled to be released in November and part two is expected to come out a year later.

Also starring in the movie are Dakota Fanning and Taylor Lautner.

Along with appearing in all the “Twilight” movies, Lautner has been busy, and will star in “Abduction” which comes out later this month.