
iPhone 4S Pre-Order Available Today

iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S from Verizon website. Pre-orders start today
Screen shot 2011 10 07 at 3.16.34 PM
iPhone 4S from Verizon website. Pre-orders start today

For those who were impressed with the unveiling of the iPhone 4S earlier this week then let the Apple hysteria begin.

The iPhone 4S is now available for pre-order in the U.S. and U.K. In the states, Verizon, AT&T and Sprint customers can now place their order, and expect the upgraded iPhone to arrive Oct. 14.

Since the inception of the first iPhone, carriers—starting with AT&T—have seen snake-like lines filled with eager Apple fans nervously waiting to get their hands on the phone.

While many Apple fans were excited with the announcement of an upgraded phone, some were disappointed after the company went with the 4S instead of an iPhone 5. The new phone is supposed to be faster, features a new 8 megapixel camera, new video recording and Siri, an “intelligent assistant.”

Apple’s stock dropped 5 percent after its iPhone 4S announcement on Tuesday.

“iPhone 4S plus iOS 5 plus iCloud is a breakthrough combination that makes the iPhone 4S the best iPhone ever,” Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing said in a statement. “While our competitors try to imitate iPhone with a checklist of features, only iPhone can deliver these breakthrough innovations that work seamlessly together.”

iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S from Verizon website

Apple also lost its former CEO, co-founder and chairman, when Steve Jobs died on Wednesday. The man who gave the world the iPhone and iPad was 56 years old. He died after a long battle with cancer.

After his death, people from around the world, including competing CEOs like Bill Gates, offered their condolences. Jobs’ death flooded social network sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Even President Obama released a statement about Jobs’ death, saying Jobs “was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.”

This will be first time Jobs won’t be around to monitor the success of the phone he created.