
Letters to the Press, March ’13

Letters to the Long Island Press - March, 2013

[colored_box color=”grey”]There is no excuse such as saying there was too much snow because private lots paid to private companies were ALL down to blacktop. No one is blaming workers who were following orders. We are saying that something was terribly wrong with how this was handled by many higher ups.

People always complain about high taxes, but I’m not seeing enough complaining now. This was and is a mess. People lost work days and money due to incompetence.

Erin Killeen via Facebook


[colored_box color=”blue”]Long Islanders should see where their tax dollars are going! Long Island roads are dangerous, nothing is being done!

@PeachyPink1719 via Twitter[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”grey”]They never learn. [Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine] said the weather report wasn’t certain. He left on Wed. when they had already predicted a foot.

@Surfcomic via Twitter[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”blue”]I got an IDEA, Don’t go on vacation when a storm is forecast!!! Stop playing the blame game. Let’s face it, you F__ked up!!!! Now step down and get people in there who can get the job done. if not, get new ones!!!! As children we are taught not to lie, but our politicians seem to be the biggest liars and slanderers!!! Don’t trust any of them!!!!!

Peter Devlin via Facebook[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”grey”]Unconscionable. Korea is preparing for world domination and we can’t even get our streets plowed!

Jackie Bowers Riker via Facebook[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”blue”]Living only five minutes from the Long Island Sound was an integral part of my adolescence. My family spent countless hours on and around the Sound fishing, boating and picnicking. The Sound is also a crucial part of the economy as it supports many jobs. Unfortunately, we are not doing our best to make sure it is protected. Too many of the wetlands and small streams that feed the Sound do not have the essential Clean Water Act protections, leaving them at risk for dumping and development. By not protecting all tributaries and wetlands in the CWA we are putting other, larger bodies of water like the Sound, at risk, too. I made the decision to vote for President Obama because I believe in his commitment to protecting clean water. Now that the election is over it is time for the President to step up and restore the CWA, once and for all.

Kimberly Cooper, Clean Water Intern, Environment New York via Email[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”grey”]Banks give banks a bad name.

Katherine Struven Navarra via Facebook[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”blue”]Let me get this straight: After a couple of years of collecting a government paycheck, Suffolk County District Attorney Tom Spota, Sheriff Vincent DeMarco and Clerk Judith Pascale decide that the people they serve no longer have the right to restrict them to three terms in office and then—without shame—use their campaign money in an attempt to overturn the 1993 referendum enacting term limits.

They claim that they are actually NYS officials and the fact that they serve a county function, receive county salaries and are elected by county residents is just a coincidence.

After the Suffolk legislature hires a politically connected patsy for its defense, it mysteriously refuses to appeal the judge’s decision that overturned a 20-year-old referendum, laughably citing “budget” constraints.

During all this, Albany and the Cuomo administration are nowhere to be found. The U.S. Justice Department refuses to intervene. Not one political leader voices any concern. Then, as if on cue, both major parties cross-endorse the Gang of Three, thereby making the election process a farce.

Now, it seems we are no longer being governed. We are being ruled. And Suffolk County has become the banana republic it has always strived to become. Now, I get it.

Peter Nichols, Melville via Email[/colored_box]

[colored_box color=”grey”]Thanks for all you do with #TheBestofLongIsland

@PaulPannone via Twitter[/colored_box]