
Notre Dame Wins Title

The Notre Dame fifth grade boys basketball team participated in the CYO tournament, hosted by St. Vincent de Paul in Elmont, capturing the championship, beating St. Aidan’s 30-9. Notre Dame scored victories over St Vincent de Paul, in the opening round of the tournament, followed by St. Aidan’s in the second and third round. Notre Dame took an early first quarter lead of 11-0 and never looked back. The final score was 30-9, giving the team the championship.  The boys, under the coaching of Rob Kuzler, Joe Muratore, Al Puya and Rob Booth, had a solid season.  They worked hard and worked together as a team. Defense and offensive ball movement were the catalysts to the team’s success.

The team was led by point guards Paul DePaulis, Joseph Muratore, shooting guards William Regan, Vincent Gambino and Declan Griffin, small forwards Justin Kuzler, Daniel Bateman and Brian Lendino-Nieves, power forwards Christian Ugolini and Michael Keller, and centers Robbie Booth and Abidin Dauti.