Police Enforcement Of Speeding In The Village
I have personally noticed and I have received complaints from residents about speeding within village boundaries. I have asked the police department to enhance their vigilance and issuance of tickets to those driving in the village at speeds in excess of the 30 m.p.h. village speed limit.
Chiefs Of The Garden City Fire Department
The board of trustees joins me in extending our sincere gratitude to Chief Charles A. Cavarra for the dedicated and professional level of service that he rendered to our village during his two terms as chief of the Garden City Fire Department. Special thanks is also extended to the wives and families of all of the dedicated volunteer firefighters for sharing their husbands with the village and for all of the sacrifices that they make to assure that we are protected.
I am pleased to report that as a result of the fire department election held, Chief William K. Castoro has been elected as chief of the Garden City Fire Department. He will be aided during the coming year by returning members as follows: First Assistant Joseph R. Nadolny, Second Assistant Chief Brian G. Gallo and Third Assistant Chief Thomas Strysko. We wish them well and thank them for their continued involvement.
Recycling Containers
It has recently come to my attention that residents who move out of the village are taking their recycling containers with them upon their move. Please be advised that these containers are the property of the Village of Garden City and should be left for the next village resident’s use.
Shop Locally
Please continue to support the local merchants and I look forward to seeing everyone in town.
Board Of Trustees Meeting
The next meetings of the board of trustees will be on Thursday, May 2 and Thursday, May 16 at 8 p.m. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective.