
Letter: Response To Dover Letter

A recent copy of [the Enterprise-Pilot] carried a letter written by Benjamin Dover which was being ignored by me because obviously Mr. Dover has either been grossly misinformed or he is purposely misinforming; however, a friend whose judgment I trust, urged me to respond.

Why this vitriolic critique

of me? I’m out of the political arena or is he daring me to reenter? It only makes sense if he is laying the groundwork for whomever he may be supporting next June.

First let me say that I’m glad that he praises Mayor Watson because he deserves it. The North Shore Study was enacted by New York State and Federal governments in 1993–a year before I came into office, July1994. During the preparation process, many information meetings were held at the Bayville Intermediate School by the Army Corps of Engineers in order to keep the community informed as well as receive feedback.

Ultimately, the people spoke and stated that they  overwhelmingly opposed the proposals, and that ended that. During this passage of time my administration sought outside funding to underwrite the Village of Bayville’s share of the cost. We succeeded in doing that, and there is archival proof of that. Now many years later that governmental entity, because so much time has passed no longer has that money available.

The LOSAP or the Fire Company Service Award Program was unfunded when I arrived in 1994. I didn’t blame the previous administration, I went to work to fully fund it and it was for all of my 16 years.

The additional money needed was the result of a lone Bayville fireman suing the village through the EOC of age discrimination. The enacting legislation specified age 65 as the cut off point for earning points toward their pension. When the EOC finally rendered their decision that the estates of the deceased firemen and the records of all firemen beyond the age of 65 had to be adjusted, my last budget, which contained a 9.5 percent tax increase, which would have addressed some of the anticipated increases, had already been adopted.

I hope that this executive summary clarifies for Mr. Dover his instant issues of interest.

Victoria Siegel